Business Incubator Program

We provide aspiring entrepreneurs with the resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities needed to launch and sustain successful ventures.

Our program supports the development of innovative business ideas and fosters entrepreneurial spirit within our community.

Mentorship Services

Through one-on-one mentorship relationships, we connect individuals with experienced professionals who offer guidance, advice, and support tailored to their specific career goals.

Our mentors serve as invaluable sources of insight and inspiration, helping mentees navigate challenges and seize opportunities.

Job Training & Creation

We offer comprehensive job training programs designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today’s evolving job market.

We collaborate with local employers to create job opportunities and facilitate employment placements for program participants. 

Technical & Computer Training

In an increasingly digital world, proficiency in technical skills is essential for career success.

Our technical skills and computer training programs provide individuals with hands-on experience and certification opportunities such as coding, digital marketing, and IT support.

Resource Management

We offer workshops, seminars, and resources focused on financial literacy, budgeting, and resource management.

By empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools to effectively manage their finances, we promote financial stability and independence. 

Community Outreach & Support

We actively engage with the community through outreach events, educational initiatives, and collaborative partnerships.

By fostering connections and building solidarity, we strengthen our community and create a supportive ecosystem for career development.


What Our Donors Over the World Are Saying

"Reimagine iT changed my life! Their mentorship program gave me the confidence and resources to start my own business. I'm now a proud entrepreneur, thanks to their support."

Lorraine F.

"As an at-risk youth, I never thought I could become a business owner. Reimagine iT believed in me and provided the guidance and training I needed to succeed. I'm forever grateful."

Brett L.

"Reimagine iT's commitment to economic empowerment is truly inspiring. Their programs not only provide valuable skills but also instill hope and opportunity in communities that need it most."

Dianna Y.